Outrageous idea
A review of The Outrageous Idea of Christian Scholarship
Title: The Outrageous Idea of Christian Scholarship
Author: George Marsden
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Object was truth
A review of The Idea of a University
Title: The Idea of a University
Author: John Henry Newman
Publisher: Yale University Press
How formation for priesthood is changing
A review of Ripe for the Harvest: A Resource for Formation Advisors
Title: Ripe for the Harvest: A Resource for Formation Advisors
Author: James Walsh
Publisher: National Catholic Educational
Western religion
A review of Reformations
Title: Reformations
Authors: Felipe Fernandez-Armesto and Derek Wilson
Publisher: Scribner
Whatever happened to heeding God's call?
Student recruitment now marketing oriented
The way today’s seminarians are recruited tends to give the impression that the ordained ministry is a job like any other, says author John H. Leith. To Leith, a retired professor of theology from Union Theological Seminary in Richmond, the ministry is no mere job—it’s a sacred calling, a self-offering made in the presence of the holy. While Leith aims his criticism at the Presbyterian Church, the situation he describes is characteristic of many churches. Does the way your school recruits students reflect your theology of ministry?
Preparatory essays
A review of Preparing for Christian Ministry—An Evangelical Approach
Title: Preparing for Christian Ministry—An Evangelical Approach
Authors: David P. Gushee and Walter C. Jackson
Publisher: A Bridgepoint Book, the academic imprint of Victor Books, a division of Scripture Press
Current Canadian seminarians surveyed
Results reveal maturity and theological conservatism
Roman Catholic seminarians in 1995 have useful things to tell today’s schools. Along with some personal information, Martin Rovers’s survey reveals they are more emotionally mature than their peers in universities (and also somewhat older) and more conservative than students of previous generations. How will these findings help your school as it looks at issues of formation?
Changing scenes: Presbyterians form commercial bank
The goal: insulation from new charitable restrictions
Presbyterians form a commercial bank to insulate themselves from charitable restrictions; the Vatican rejects the Reverend William J. Rewak as president of the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley; new study of church giving; Luce Foundation gift to Wake Forest University; another New Era sentencing; and changes at the top.
From institutional to exemplary
Servings of food service facts and folklore
Eating together provides students and faculty with a chance to talk and exchange ideas in an easygoing setting. Do your school’s meals work to its advantage? How important are cooks to your operation? How does food service fit into your school budget?
Transitions over time
A review of Contending With Modernity: Catholic Higher Education in the Twentieth Century
Title: Contending With Modernity: Catholic Higher Education in the Twentieth Century
Author: Philip Gleason
Publisher: Oxford University Press
From school to congregational leadership
Can recent graduates by helped to bridge the gap?
C. Ellis Nelson, president emeritus of Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary and research professor at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, discusses new ministers’ need for extended orientation to the demands of congregational life. Has your board explored the way your seminary prepares graduates to lead a congregation? How can these efforts be improved.
What a 'statement of activities' shows
Eight questions boards should ask about the figures
This useful guide, adapted from the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges’s Understanding Financial Statements, lists eight basic questions and how to find their answers in your school’s financial statements. A simple, handy, and basic tool for neophytes and experts alike.
Making an impact, announcement
Richard E. Ice gives advice on how school stockholders can make an impact on corporations they invest in.

Other Issues


Balance sheet 1 Articles
Books 6 Articles
Changing scenes 1 Articles
Feature articles 2 Articles
Field notes 1 Articles
Focal point 1 Articles
Perspective 1 Articles
Soundings 1 Articles
Tool box 1 Articles
Viewpoint 1 Articles

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