Piecing Together the Discourses of Life

I had a professor in college who encouraged us to seek a mentor we could aspire to be, in work and also spiritually. I thought, “yeah, yeah,” and put it on the back burner. Later that advice would change my life.

After graduating, I went to work for an international accounting firm in Silicon Valley. It was politically cutthroat, and I wasn’t trained for those dynamics.

Peers were all too eager to step on your back to advance their standing.

In the midst of that, I was introduced by the pastor at church to Bill, a successful CEO, spiritually mature, who invited me to breakfast, shared his heart for discipleship and offered to mentor me.

We met weekly for breakfast for roughly a decade.

Once Bill asked me for a word I would want on my tombstone. I was 24 years old and stumped. After several months wrestling with this question, I came up with my word: authentic.

Mentorship has helped mold my vocation and life closer to one of authenticity. It hasn’t been an easy path, having worked in difficult and high-pressure environments as a CFO for tech, biotech, and media companies.


What I do has come out of who I am. Giving back is part of that. I make time to mentor others, just as Bill did for me.




What I do has come out of who I am. Giving back is part of that. I make time to mentor others, just as Bill did for me.


Roughly 11 years ago, I said yes when asked to serve on the board of what is now The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology. I spent 10 years on the board, eight as chair. It was hard and good work that I found I enjoyed. Then I was invited to serve as the seminary’s CFO with an outstanding executive team.


It’s not recommended that board members become staff, but it was also clear this was a calling. God had put me in a position of service to help the institution continue its mission.


This is not an easy time to be in graduate theological education. Yet I enjoy the daily challenge. We have a phrase at the school that resonates with me: Engage the discourse in the intersections of life. Respectful conversations and relationships with those who may have differing views has magnified my appreciation for the power of the Gospel. It has changed me, and I believe I’m making a difference here and in people’s lives.


And, I hope I’ve been able to pass on the gift of mentoring and encouraging others along the way.


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