Brian J. Arnold

Portrait by Ellen Marello

In a prolonged season of despair, theological educators have great reason for hope. The Lord Jesus Christ said that he would build His church and that the gates of hell would not overcome it (Matt 16:18). So long as the world persists, the church will march forward, and so long as there is a church, there is need for theological education. What a privilege to train leaders for the church in this season!

The challenges may be new, but the task is old. Our mission is to stay faithful to the charge to develop Christian leaders who are anchored in the faith “which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). For our seminary, that means a curriculum devoted to the traditional disciplines – what one of our professors calls the meat and potatoes of theological education. Our methods are adapting to meet new needs, but our convictions are not. And our students, who are looking for roots in an age of superficiality, are responding well.

Therefore, we do not need to fear the future – instead, we need to seize this opportunity to bring the hope of Jesus Christ, through the church, to a world in need.

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