Ep. 83: A misalignment in theological schools – and a way forward
Research by scholars at the Association of Theological Schools suggests a misalignment between how students in theological schools are being trained and what the workforce needs. Dr. Deborah Gin and the Rev. Dr. Jo Ann Deasy of ATS explain the research, the misalignments, and ways that schools can move forward to better prepare students.
Top 10 Questions When Merging
Consider these top 10 questions that trustees, presidents, and CFOs should ask each other and themselves when first considering a merger
The Basics of Change Management
Transformation becomes essential when the current vision and operations can no longer sustain an organization’s health.
4 Steps to Smooth Functioning Shared Governance
The board establishes structures of leadership that invite members of the campus community to contribute to the vitality of the institution.
Core Essential 4: The Boards Role in Fundraising
There are two key components to a board's role in fundraising: Collective governance and individual involvement.
Ep. 78: AI's potential for theological education
The Rev. Tay Moss, an Episcopalian priest, media producer, and educator, has produced an AI-drive webpage to help people explore the Anglican church – AskCathy.ai – and in this episode explores the potential of AI for theological schools and how they can use it to enhance student engagement and streamline access to information. As well, he discusses the potential for new pedagogy as well as the challenges that AI offers schools and provides some thoughts about how schools and leaders can start to think about engaging with AI.
Videos & Webinars
Seminaries Are People Too
Seminaries are People Too: Mindsets that make or break institutional change
Ep. 74: The many facets of shared governance
The Rev. Heather Hartung, Ph.D., has been a student, minister, faculty member, dean, and member of a theological school board. She now serves as a director of accreditation with the Association of Theological Schools. In this episode of the podcast, she discusses how boards and leaders of theological schools can approach shared governance from various perspectives.
Ep. 72: Rooted in Hope - How the Pathways project is growing
The Pathways for Tomorrow Initiative was designed by Lilly Endowment Inc. to create ways for theological schools in North America to train and support ministers for Christian churches. The Rev. Dr. Jo Ann Deasy, director of institutional initiatives of the Association of Theological Schools, and Amy Kardash, president of the In Trust Center for Theological Schools, discuss key findings and themes. ATS and the In Trust Center are co-coordinating the initiative.
Ep. 69 - Pathways to Healing: McCormick's trauma-informed education initiative
McCormick Theological Seminary is using a Lilly Endowment Inc. Pathways for Tomorrow grant to explore how to help people heal from trauma. The Heart-Work Rising Trauma Healing Initiative is exploring theological education that will help students to be trauma-informed. The Rev. Dr. Stephanie Crumpton and Dr. Jina Kang discuss the impact of trauma-informed education, the integration of restorative justice and biblical interpretation, and the transformative potential for theological institutions.
Videos & Webinars
Strategic Partnerships in Higher Education
In this on-demand webinar, Rick Staisloff, Senior Partner of rpk GROUP, discusses essential aspects of strategic partnerships. This session delves into current trends, identification of partners, navigating the due diligence process, and common challenges.
Ep. 65 - Making space for a religious mosaic
The Academy for Jewish Religion received a grant in Lilly Endowment Inc.'s Pathways for Tomorrow Initiative and used the money to make a series of explanatory videos about Judaism. Ora Horn Prouser, Ph.D., the CEO and academic dean of the Academy for Jewish Religion, discusses how the project, "Mosaic Religion and the Religious Mosaic," contributes to theological education.