The latest issue of Trusteeship magazine features an article by Richard Chait on board culture and how it affects board efficacy. In the article, “The Bedrock of Board Culture,” Chait argues that, too often, boards fail to examine the underlying assumptions that define their board’s culture.
He breaks down these assumptions into several board “types” that define the roles of individual trustees, as well as the role of the board as a whole. Chait says that by determining the board’s “type,” trustees are better able to understand why their board acts the way it does.
Read Chait’s article here on the Trusteeship website.
What are your thoughts on Chait’s ideas about board culture and its underlying assumptions? If you are a board member, can you identify your own board culture in any of the board types he lays out?
In Trust has covered Richard Chait’s work in the past. To read more on him, click here and here.
We have also featured work by Chait in the magazine. To read, click here and here.
Image Credit: Trusteeship magazine