News & Insights

The Newsletter for Chairs of Theological School Boards
Vol. 1 No. 6

Some faith traditions use the term “calling” when they talk about people in the clergy, that they’re “called” to the work and see it as a sacred obligation. We see something similar with the most effective members of theological school boards – they see their roles as important, and they undertake the board work with sincerity and commitment.
In the Winter edition of In Trust magazine, which just came out, we interviewed Dr. Karen Sawyer, who has served on the board of Missio Seminary for three decades, about what she sees as a calling to the board. I can tell you personally that she’s a top-notch board member: She’s also on the In Trust Center’s Board of Directors.

Her story is about what makes her tick, but what’s universal is a sense of faithfulness to the calling. (You can find the magazine story here. You can also find the full interview on our podcast page here.)
I mention Karen’s story because sometimes the importance of the board’s work is overlooked, and it shouldn’t be. Everything in a school eventually rests on the board, and good governing boards make an incredible difference in the mission and work of a school.
So at the start of this year, let me offer a few resources to you to consider your board’s work and its calling:

I hope these help you and your board start 2023 well. Let me know what else would be helpful or what practices you think your board does well or needs help on. Send an email here.

With gratitude for all you do in theological education,
Amy Kardash

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Board Essentials

Upcoming Events

The In Trust Center hosts learning community spaces throughout the year. Check out our upcoming events below.

ATS Research on Executive Leadership Webinar

UPCOMING: March 24, 1PM (ET)

This ATS Research Webinar on Executive Leadership will focus on trends and contributing factors that have led to the unprecedented turnover of executive leaders in recent years.

Redeeming Conflict One Tough Conversation at a Time

UPCOMING: April 3, 1PM (ET)

Dr. Ann Garrido, Assoc. Professor, Homiletics, Aquinas Institute of Theology, will discuss how we choose to manage conflicts.

Who's Next? Succession Planning for Boards


Planning for board officer vacancies should start well in advance with an intentional, smooth, and carefully designed transition plan.


In Trust Center provides Resource Consulting to our members at no charge. Contact us today and let us guide you to the most helpful resources for your situation.

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