The Newsletter for Chairs of Theological School Boards
Vol. 2 No. 3
You know that leadership can be lonely – plenty has been written about that. But it doesn't have to be. At the In Trust Center, we have created several ways leaders can connect to learn from one another. It's vital for leaders to see not only what others are doing but also have a sense of camaraderie in the work.
In January, we'll have two facilitated conversations for board chairs. In the first, we'll be joined by Dr. David C. Wang, a noted psychologist and researcher at Fuller Theological Seminary. Dr. Wang is the lead researcher in a governance research project we're launching next year. In this conversation, we'd love to hear about some of your current practices on your board and the governance model you follow. This will help us identify best practices for boards.
In the second conversation, we'll have time just for board chairs and staff of the In Trust Center to talk about issues that are important to you. We'll ask about what issues are important to you right now and how we can best support you.
In both of these conversations, you'll be able to hear from other board chairs and connect with them and learn about their practices. The conversation with David Wang is at 1 p.m. ET on Tuesday, Jan. 23. You can register here. The conversation with the In Trust Center staff is at 1 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Jan. 24. You can register here.
I would encourage you to register today and join us in January for these conversations. It's important for us to hear what you think so we can better provide resources to you. In the meantime, we've been working on our website and curating resources by people's roles. For example, you can find curated resources for board chairs here. Take a look. And would you let me know what additional resources might help? Just email us.
I'll look forward to seeing you on Zoom in January if I don't hear from you before!
With gratitude for all you do in theological education,
Amy Kardash