With less financial support for theological education from churches and denominations, theological schools have come to increase fundraising to balance the budget. School presidents and board members are expected to play a big role in raising funds for their institutions. Back in 2009, the Auburn Center for the Study of Theological Education published a report titled Great Expectations: Fundraising Prospects for Theological Schools. It's worth looking back at it.
The report clarifies the issues around fundraising for theological schools. Presidents don’t feel they have the necessary skills to cultivate donors; board members feel they were called to the board for reasons other than their ability to give or find money for the school. The report also offers some solutions for creating a team that optimizes fundraising opportunities, such as employing professional help.
In Trust summarized the report not long after it was published in an article titled “Great Expectations and Great Rewards.” To get a handle on what your administration and board could be doing better when it comes to fundraising, click on the link and check it out.