News & Insights

January 31, 2022
How legacy giving can boost your fundraising and sustainability

The winter edition of In Trust magazine is now in mailboxes and offers a range of ideas, news, and opinions. In this issue:

New podcast from the In Trust Center

The In Trust Center introduces a new podcast focusing on good governance of theological schools. The new series kicks off with Dr. Rebekah Basinger, director of the center’s Wise Stewards Initiative, and initiative coaches, who discuss finding a new normal, how to orient a board, and how to assess a board. 

How to have the hard conversations and face challenging decisions

In response to requests for confidential space to explore potential school closure, the In Trust Center has created the on-demand webinar Finishing Well: When Leading Means Leaving.” In this recorded webinar, experts help leaders frame the issues and walk through when to start the tough conversation and many of the what-ifs.
Go here for the webinar. 

Resource grants to help you spur innovation, webinars to help you raise money

The In Trust Center’s Resource Grants are a great way to spur innovation.
You can find out more about how to apply for the grants with a 30-minute live webinar at 1 p.m. EST, Wednesday, Feb. 10. Register here. 

Also, don’t miss these upcoming live webinars:



Northwest Seminary & College Launches Search for President and Academic Dean

Northwest Seminary & College, located in beautiful Langley, British Columbia, is searching for experienced, faithful, and innovative leaders to serve as the next president and academic dean. As the theological education and leadership development agency of Fellowship Pacific and Prairies, Northwest is an innovative school with a worldwide reach that has pioneered a competency-based approach to training leaders for effective ministry in local churches and Christian agencies in the Fellowship and beyond.
Click here for job summaries and how to apply. 
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Upcoming Events

The In Trust Center hosts learning community spaces throughout the year. Check out our upcoming events below.

ATS Research on Executive Leadership Webinar

UPCOMING: March 24, 1PM (ET)

This ATS Research Webinar on Executive Leadership will focus on trends and contributing factors that have led to the unprecedented turnover of executive leaders in recent years.

Redeeming Conflict One Tough Conversation at a Time

UPCOMING: April 3, 1PM (ET)

Dr. Ann Garrido, Assoc. Professor, Homiletics, Aquinas Institute of Theology, will discuss how we choose to manage conflicts.

Who's Next? Succession Planning for Boards


Planning for board officer vacancies should start well in advance with an intentional, smooth, and carefully designed transition plan.


In Trust Center provides Resource Consulting to our members at no charge. Contact us today and let us guide you to the most helpful resources for your situation.

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