News & Insights

Four members of the In Trust Center’s Board of Directors were re-elected to three-year terms during November’s election, in which 90 voting members – 53% of eligible voters – cast ballots.

These four were re-elected to the board:

  • Bryan Blankenship, vice president of finance and administration of Asbury Theological Seminary;
  • The Rev. Dr. Kah-Jin Jeffrey Kuan, president emeritus and professor of Hebrew Bible of Claremont School of Theology;
  • The Rev. Dr. Alton B. Pollard III, president emeritus of Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary and a professor at Wake Forest University;
  • Dr. Luis R. Rivera, senior scholar of theology and former academic dean of Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary.

As of Jan. 1, the leadership of the Board of Directors changes. Those include:

  • Chair: The Rev. Dr. Charisse L. Gillett, president of Lexington Theological Seminary;
  • Vice Chair: The Rev. Dr. Richard Topping, principal of Vancouver School of Theology;
  • Secretary: Ms. Kathryn Glover, nonprofit consultant;
  • Treasurer: The Rev. Jul Medenblik, president, Calvin Theological Seminary

You can read more about the Board of Directors here.

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Upcoming Events

The In Trust Center hosts learning community spaces throughout the year. Check out our upcoming events below.

ATS Research on Executive Leadership Webinar

UPCOMING: March 24, 1PM (ET)

This ATS Research Webinar on Executive Leadership will focus on trends and contributing factors that have led to the unprecedented turnover of executive leaders in recent years.

Redeeming Conflict One Tough Conversation at a Time

UPCOMING: April 3, 1PM (ET)

Dr. Ann Garrido, Assoc. Professor, Homiletics, Aquinas Institute of Theology, will discuss how we choose to manage conflicts.

Who's Next? Succession Planning for Boards


Planning for board officer vacancies should start well in advance with an intentional, smooth, and carefully designed transition plan.


In Trust Center provides Resource Consulting to our members at no charge. Contact us today and let us guide you to the most helpful resources for your situation.

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