Rick Cohen is a national correspondent for the Nonprofit Quarterly. He publishes his reflections on nonprofits, politics, and public policy in a Web publication called The Cohen Report.
Here are some of his recent highlights:
Nonprofits Speaking for Themselves: The Impact of the National Economic Tailspin. Cohen outlines trends he sees in the nonprofit world as nonprofits cope with this recession. They include: deficits, drawing on reserves, funding cuts, retrenchment, and mergers. Read the post here.
How Corporate Giving Will Fare in This Recession. Cohen writes: "During the crises of September 11th, Hurricane Katrina, and the Southeast Asian tsunami, corporate philanthropy responded. But the breadth of this economic downturn suggests that corporate America may not be able to respond quite so generously this time around." Read the post here.
Sector Can Avoid Bad Investments and Fulfill Obligations. Cohen offers six tips for avoiding bad investments, including "do your own research," "consider socially responsible investments," and "be careful about conflict of interest among your investment advisors." Read the post here.
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