Ep. 88 - A shared future: Rethinking seminary administration
As theological schools consider how to prepare for the future, a Pathways for Tomorrow Initiative grant is offering institutions an opportunity for shared services. AdminWise Shared Services, a nonprofit started out of a Lilly Endowment grant, is now offering a slate of administrative functions to help theological schools.
Ep. 82: Lilly Endowment's expanded Pathways Initiative
Lilly Endowment Inc.’s expanded Pathways for Tomorrow initiative will offer up to $325 million to help theological schools accredited by the Association for Theological Schools collaborate and innovate. The Rev. Dr. Jo Ann Deasy of ATS, who oversees the Pathways coordination work, offers insights on what Pathways has accomplished so far and what could be ahead.
Ep. 80: Eden Theological's move to a network model
Eden Theological Seminary President the Rev. Dr. Deborah Krause and Vice President for Institutional Advancement the Rev. Dr. Mary Schaller Blaufuss discuss how the 175-year-old seminary is moving into a new model of education. Using a Pathways for Tomorrow Initiative grant, the seminary has formed a network of other likeminded seminaries to offer classes to students, as well as provide a range of non-degree classes for ministers. They discuss how they do the work and how it's reaching new audiences.
Ep. 75: Future-proofing theological schools?
Rick Staisloff, a consultant with a long history in higher education, explores how theological institutions can thrive amid change by embracing strategic partnerships and shared services. He stresses the importance of aligning with student needs and maintaining a mission-driven approach while calling this a historic time that demands courage.
Ep. 48: Keeping the mission vibrant - Lancaster's story
During his tenure as interim president of Lancaster Theological Seminary, Dr. David Rowe was challenged with merging the school while preserving its mission. Rowe and Elizabeth Palmer Bennett, former CFO at Lancaster, discuss the genesis of the merger, share their insights, and reflect on the lessons they learned in the process.
Ep. 47: Making embedded seminaries work
Dr. MaryKate Morse, former executive dean of Portland Seminary, discusses the key relationships she forged in an embedded seminary, and how she demonstrated the value to the school.
Ep. 43: Making CHANGE in theological education
Is there a way to help theological schools cut overhead costs and free up resources to focus on mission? That’s the goal of the CHANGE (Configuring Higher Education Administration for Next Generation Excellence) Initiative, one of the projects funded in Lilly Endowment Inc.’s Pathways for Tomorrow Initiative. Listen how Dr. David Boshart, president of Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary, and Dr. Jeff Williams, the project director of the CHANGE Initiative, provide an overview of how a nonprofit organization can provide business offerings to schools, increasing quality of services while allowing schools the space to innovate.
Ep. 40: What’s new in the Pathways Initiative
Lilly Endowment Inc.’s Pathways for Tomorrow Initiative is investing millions of dollars in theological education in North America. The Association of Theological Schools (ATS) and the In Trust Center are co-coordinating the initiative, and in this episode, the In Trust Center’s Amy Kardash and the Rev. Dr. Jo Ann Deasy of ATS discuss the emerging trends, interesting projects, and how coordination works.
Ep. 38: Moving for mission: Gordon-Conwell’s pivot
Rev. Dr. Scott Sunquist, president of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, discussses the school’s plan to sell all or part of its scenic campus in Hamilton, MA, and move to Boston.
Ep. 37: Trends, issues, and the essentials for 2023, part 2
Amy Kardash, Annie Glanden, and Matt Hufman finish a wide-ranging discussion on trends in the episode, “Trends, issues, and the essentials for 2023, part 2.”
Ep. 33: Creating affordable and accessible theological education
Dr. Brent Sleasman, president of Winebrenner Theological Seminary, shares insights on how WTS used its grant to advance collaboration and enhance content for its user-generated digital platform, Co-Mission.
Ep. 18: Women in Leadership Series: A conversation with Rev. Dr. Kit Kleinhans and Rev. Dr. Mary Shore
Rev. Dr. Kathryn (Kit) Kleinhans and Rev. Dr. Mary Hinkle Shore discuss their experiences in leading embedded seminaries.