Our pledge
In Trust acting president G. Douglass Lewis says that In Trust will continue to be an essential partner and resource to theological schools as they work to be the best they can be.
Forgive as you can, one step at a time
Being an adoptive parent means learning to forgive, says contributing editor Melinda R. Heppe. Sometimes boards need to learn forgiveness as well, starting with small steps.
Governing in the midst of climate change
Navigating successfully in an atmosphere of overlapping outside authorities requires boards and administrators to exercise special dexterity and acumen.
Strengthen the mission during megatransition
A view from Oral Roberts University
While weathering a major disruption, governance leaders should commit to knowing, guarding, and strengthening the institution's mission.
Fraud happens
Reducing the risks
Fiduciary oversight is the purview of all board members, and it can't be delegated solely to one committee.
Oversight and self-regulation for religious charities
In the next few months, the Commission on Accountability and Policy for Religious Organizations will submit a report and recommendations to Senator Charles Grassley, who has long been troubled by a lack of accountability in the charitable world.
Changing scenes
Recent news from the world of theological education.

Other Issues


Changing scenes 1 Articles
Feature articles 3 Articles
Perspective 1 Articles
Spirit matters 1 Articles
Tool box 1 Articles
Update 1 Articles
Viewpoint 1 Articles

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