Being in Community
Finding our place, both in person and online, is vital
The ways we experience community continue to shift, with repercussions for theological education where certain critical virtues should pertain. I am curious to know how many communities are hybrid or fully online out of convenience rather than design.
On Your Mind | Letters to the Editor
Your thoughts about theological education, including on chaplaincy innovation and simulator training for ministers
I loved Richard Topping’s “Theology Through the Lens.” I admired the photographs, products of this re-creation.
A future based in reality
Wesley’s David McAllister-Wilson reflects on finding the ground between ‘Chicken Little’ and the bluebird of happiness
With more than 40 years at Wesley Theological Seminary, David McAllister-Wilson considers what boards and leaders in theological education should consider when they look ahead.
Podcast picks | From our ears to yours
Common sense for leaders coping with change
These podcasts will help provide a way to work through change.
Present Moment | Bright past, bold future
Reflections on “time within a time” at New York Theological
New York Theological Seminary’s 120-plus-year legacy will continue in partnership
Two-way street for understanding
New video series interprets Judaism for Christian seminarians
Female leaders can face a “double-bind” dilemma, which can create difficulty in leading
Future Promise | Sincere encouragement
The critical role of the student board member
Boards should consider finding ways to keep students and young alumni invested in board work
All People Considered: New Horizons
An enduring mission – and a new name – is energizing Hispanic ministry and scholarship
The Hispanic Scholars Program continues to live into its calling and find new ways to serve emerging leaders in the field.
Better together
Three Chicago schools decided to share a campus. Now it’s a model of ecumenical collaboration.
When the academic school year commenced in fall 2023 at Catholic Theological Union (CTU), a new presence graced its Chicago campus – or rather, presences.
The Census | How do you pay for an education?
Paying for a theological comes at a cost – both to the student and the school
The tension between the cost of a theological education to a student and the cost to the institution is something we’d like your opinion on.
Remark(able) | For Board Reflections
When should a board consider hiring an interim executive leader?
Who’s missing at the table?
Lexington Theological Seminary’s experiment with prior learning
In Lexington, a Pathways program focuses on newcomers to the field and ways to give credit to people for their life experience and learning.
Relics | Simply divine
Perkins’ Dante Festival made a special collection a little more special
One school’s art collection includes modern artifacts to commemorate the life of the Italian poet.
Books, Film, & Music | Meaningful summer reads and movies
Two books and two films to give your mind and soul a summertime fill
These books and films provide new insights into history, power, and spiritual development
How We Lived | “…Only Witnessing”
Recalling the 1964 Theological Students' Vigil for Civil Rights
Theological students from a variety of backgrounds held a vigil that pressed for change in Civil Rights.
Three’s a charm
Awards | In Trust magazine logs another year of recognition
For the third straight year, and the first time ever, In Trust magazine has placed in the top awards of the Associated Church Press’ contest.
Changing Scenes
New leaders and new board chairs
New leaders in theological education.
Devoted leadership
Rock solid | Colin Godwin on the spiritual practices of a board
The work of a board has a spiritual nature. At Carey Theological College, the board is tapping into that.

Other Issues


Feature articles 3 Articles
On My Mind 1 Articles
On Your Mind 1 Articles
The Crossing 2 Articles
The Culture 3 Articles
The Guardian 4 Articles
The Sign 1 Articles
The Star 6 Articles

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