We must live into the truth that all persons are connected — one to another, all to the planet, and all on the planet to the Holy. This has always been true, and right now, in our generation, this truth is lacking. The values of individualism, self-reliance, and the greedy opportunism of championing the one over the many must be halted. Our planet is groaning with disease and imbalance — we caused that. Our nation is still embroiled in the highly contested question of equity and justice for persons who have been deemed inferior.
No person created by God is inferior. It is not possible. If our yet-to-be-born are to have a place, any place, to call home, the politics of inferiority must stop, here and around the globe. We have a choice about the systems of hatred that saturate and contaminate our society. We must choose life, and in so doing, we choose justice and change. Unless we concede that our existence is contingent on our neighbor’s existence, the death-dealing we are experiencing will become more severe. This is a moment to rekindle, reimagine, and reconceive the ancient conviction that humanity must live as community if we are to survive.