We asked five recent graduates — in ministry all over the world — to give us an update on what they’re doing now, what they like most about it, and
how their education prepared them for their new roles.

Samuel Arsaveus Moore graduated with an M.Div. from Duke Divinity School. He is currently serving as senior pastor at three churches in North Carolina: Jackson United Methodist Church in Browns Summit, The Hope Church in Greensboro and Saint James United Methodist Church in Sedalia.
“My education gave me confidence to speak and preach about the word of God and to help build people’s faith.”

Mosese Koli Taufalele Jr. graduated with an M.Div. from Claremont School of Theology. He is currently serving as pastor at Kahalu’u United Methodist Church in Kaneohe, Hawaii.
“The best thing about my new ministry is the people, the community, the opportunities, the challenges, and the different ways God is working through it all.”

Angellica S. Sweat graduated with an M.Div. from Hood Theological Seminary. She is serving on the ministerial staff at Gethsemane AME Zion Church, Charlotte, North Carolina.
“My education provided me with the sacred space to cultivate a pastoral approach for service by integrating the study of culture, theology, and the behavioral and social sciences.”

Stathis Tanatzis graduated with an M.A. in theological studies from International Theological Seminary. He is currently serving as senior pastor at Greek Evangelical Church in Alexandroupolis, Greece.
“The best thing about about my new role is being a servant of God by letting Him use my gifts for His glory.”

Saúl Barceló graduated with a Ph.D. from Claremont School of Theology. He is currently serving as director of the Center for Whole Person Care and Assistant Professor for the School of Religion at Loma Linda University.
“The best thing about my new role is having the opportunity to research and teach on the intersection of religion and spirituality in healthcare, while training the next generation of healthcare professionals.”
"My education exposed me to different forms of spiritualities and philosophical theories which helps understand their influence in the healthcare system.
Photo credits: Samuel Arsaveus Moore: HEATHER SETTLE-MOORE; Mosese Koli Taufalele Jr.: ANATAUTU’U TAUFALELE;
Angellica S. Sweat: DARIN KENT; Stathis Tanatzis: SOFIA ZAIMI TANATZIS; Saúl Barceló: SUSIE GALAVIZ-BARCELÓ