What’s Working?
Ideas everyone wants to know
What’s happening in theological education? There are three ways that leaders of theological schools can draw insights.
On Your Mind | Letters to the Editor
Your thoughts about shared governance.
Your thoughts about shared governance.
New Funding for Pathways
Lilly Endowment’s new grants will help encourage collaboration to prepare and support pastoral leaders.
Lilly Endowment Inc. is expanding the Pathways for Tomorrow Initiative with new rounds of funding.
Podcast picks | From Our Ears to Yours
Where angels fear to tread: Podcasts that combine faith and politics
These podcasts provide interesting and thoughtful voices on the topic of politics.
Present Moment | Leading with Love
The enduring responsibility to the future
At Auburn, we’re changing how we talk about our history.
Helpfully Engaging AI in the Field
A new event and series of conversations help theological educators explore the future
How can theological education engage with AI? Leaders are exploring ways with a variety of experiments
In Memorium: Vincent Cushing, 1933-2024
The founding chair of the In Trust Center, Cushing left a great legacy in theological education
Father Vincent DePaul Cushing, O.F.M., passed away on Nov. 14, 2024, at the age of 90.
Future Promise | Expansive Mindfulness
The transforming power of grants
Grants can energize people toward a common goal or outcome.
Students’ Changing Needs
New ATS research reveals opportunities for schools to prepare students for a new era
New research by the Association of Theological Schools shows what study authors call a “misalignment” between student training in schools and what churches and workplaces need.
The Census | Signs of growth
Encouraging enrollment trends, post-pandemic
ATS data shows some positive movement in enrollment.
Remark(able) | For Board Reflections
Eden Theological Seminary president asks the question about the conservation of resources.
Take a moment to consider how the institution considers its resources.
Mutual Trust
A transformative and now retired president reflects on leadership, collaboration, and surprising discoveries.
Nancy Claire Pittman considers a life spent in theological education and lessons learned on shared governance, sustainability, and leadership.
Boardroom Diversity
Use this thought and question to help spur a discussion about your board.
How We Live | Not Quite a Walk in the Park
Life at the Corner of Bowditch and Dwight
Berkeley’s famed (or infamous) People’s Park – across from the Berkeley School of Theology – is being transformed, and whether that’s good depends on who you ask.
Books & Film | Works of Fear and Faith
A guide to End Times; the moral leadership of Black women in the Movement and more
These books and movies provide new ways to look at End Times; women in the Civil Rights Movement; engage ethics and disagreements; and faith in general.
The Legacy of Barbara Wheeler
Daniel O. Aleshire remembers his friend’s field-shaping influence
Barbara Wheeler was an astute observer, an intellectual leader, a strong-willed advocate, and in all ways, a Christian.
Changing Scenes
New leaders and new board chairs
New leaders in theological education.
Unprecedented and Historic
Déjà Vu Again? | Matt Hufman on living through times that defy description
The call of the time is to live in unprecedented times, which seems to have happened before.

Other Issues


Feature articles 3 Articles
On My Mind 1 Articles
On Your Mind 1 Articles
The Crossing 2 Articles
The Culture 2 Articles
The Guardian 5 Articles
The Sign 1 Articles
The Star 6 Articles

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